As a start up, my web site is critical in getting information out to clients regarding my services and experience. Before any serious marketing efforts could be made, I had to have an exceptional web site up and running quickly. SangFroid Web completed my extensive web site much quicker than planned. The quality and professional look of my site exceeded my expectations. I was able to utilize it for marketing immediately and I have received numerous compliments and business from my site.
David Fischer
Fischer Consulting and Management, Inc.
Liz Eisworth is the founder and lead designer of SangFroid Web located in Alpharetta, GA. As an experienced website designer and SEO strategist, Liz designs custom WordPress websites, optimizes websites for SEO, and leverages Local SEO / Google Business Profiles for business owners who are looking to improve their online presence to earn more traffic and leads. She built her first website for a business in 2003 and her first WordPress website in 2006. Learn more about Liz »